ESEF - Are you Ready?

ESEF - The European Single Electronic Format requires Issuers to report their Annual Financial Statements using xhtml. In the even t that Issuers publish Consolidated Financial Statements these have to also be tagged using iXBRL tags as published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

Originally planned to be used for the submission of the 2020 AFS, due to the pandemic the majority of countries within the EU opted to use a discretionary 1 year postponement of the reporting obligation / deadline.

Aiming to serve our Clients in the best possible manner and as proactive as possible, we have udpated our Financial Reporter Compliance Suite to provide for the required iXBRL tagging and thus enable issuers to perform the required ESEF reporting in the simplest possible manner.

Central Electronic System of Payment Information

CESOP - The Central Electronic System of Payment Information comes into force on 1st Jan. 2024

Best Solution for Tax Compliance

FRCS has won the Best Solution for Tax Compliance Award

FRCS is now XBRL Certified

Prognosys Financial Reporter Compliance Suite is now XBRL Certified

Infonet Strategic Partnership

We are Proud to announce our Strategic Partnership Agreement with Infonet Systems Integration

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