Introduced as a result of the recent financial crisis, the DRRA report captures a significant amount of information concerning the frequency and quality of debt restructuring activities. The report was first introduced in 2013 and finalized as a quarterly obligation in 2014; due to the importance of the information collected, it was later converted to a monthly obligation, receiving several updates during its lifetime. The first worksheet of the report collects a magnitude of information, ranging from the total number of restructuring/forbearance measures extended to customer accounts, also reviewing information on the arrear status prior to the restructuring, as well as the current arrear status following the restructuring. An analysis of restructuring applications and their workflow status is also requested, collecting further information on any follow up actions planned or performed for rejected applications. Further details such as customer Debt to Income ratios, contact initiation rates (demonstrating the ability of the bank to monitor and contact customers under arrears), and appeals on restructuring applications are collected among others. Furthermore, solution analysis worksheets focus on analysing further details on the restructured facilities, monitoring information such as the type of restructuring applied, contractual and actual cash flows, running balances, provisions and arrears.