XBRL Reporting, Validation and Instance Creation.

Provided as an integral part of the Financial Reported Compliance Suite (FRCS) may be integrated with the Report Automation process or used in a stand alone mode.

FRCS XBRL Functionality covers ALL the reporting undel the latest version of the European Banking Authority (EBA) Reporting Framework like:
  • FINancial REPorting Framewor
  • Funding Plans
  • Asset Encumbrance
  • OWN Funds
  • Large Exposures
  • Liquidity Returns (LCRN, NSFR, ALMM)
  • Remuneration Reporting
  • Resolution Reporting
    • Includign the Taxonomy Extensions and Validations provided by the Single Resolution Board (SRB)
  • ...
FRCS XBRL Functionality includes a comprehensive coverage of all required Data and Business validations (even the ones not natively supported by XBRL).

Since February 2021, FRCS has been updated to also supports iXBRL. FRCS iXBRL functionality assists Listed Entities comply with the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) based on the requirements as published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

XBRL Certification:
And yes, you can rest assured because our software is XBRL Certified!

Ayias Paraskevis 8,
2412 Egkomi, Nicosia
+ 357 22 45 64 00
Mon: 08:00-18:00, Tue-Thu: 08:00-17:00, Fri: 08:00-14:30
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